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Creating an NbtRegion

After obtaining a Uint8Array of the region file, you can give it to to create an NbtRegion. This will read the region file header, but it won't read any chunks yet.

const response = await fetch('./r.0.0.mca')
const arrayBuffer = await response.arrayBuffer()
const region = Uint8Array(arrayBuffer, {}))



Returns a list of the position of each chunk, relative to the region (so the x and z coordinates will always be between 0 and 31 inclusive).

const chunks = region.getChunkPositions()
console.log(chunks) // [[0, 0], [0, 1], [0, 2], [6, 3], [6, 4]]


Returns the NbtChunk by index, or undefined if the chunk doesn't exist.

findChunk(x, z)

Returns the NbtChunk by its x and z coordinates (region relative), or undefined if the chunk doesn't exist.


Returns the first NbtChunk in the region, or undefined if this region is completely empty.


Returns a filtered list of NbtChunk using a predicate. Chunks that are undefined are not checked by the predicate and are filtered out.

const chunks = region.filter(chunk => chunk.x === 0)


Returns a mapped list of NbtChunk using a mapper function. Chunks that are undefined are not mapped and are filtered out.

const compressions = new Set( => chunk.compression))
if (compressions.size > 1) {
console.log('Region has mixed compression!')


Turns this region into a Uint8Array.

const array = region.write()


Serializes the region to a format which can be represented by JSON. This can be necessary when using workers.

const json = region.toJson()
// send the data to a different worker
const region2 = NbtRegion.fromJson(json, chunkResolver)

For performance reasons, the serialized data does not contain the raw chunk data. The region obtained from NbtRegion.fromJson returns an NbtRegion.Ref. chunkResolver is necessary to asynchronously request the data of a chunk.


A region ref acts very similar to a normal NbtRegion, most notable changes:

  • Instead of working with NbtChunk, it uses NbtChunk.Ref.
  • It does not have thewrite() or toJson() methods.